martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Our Myth

1st part: Martina.
2nd part: Belén.
3rd part: Tomás.
4th part: Azarías.

1st Part

Poseidon was the god of water and he was married to Athena, the goddess of wildlife. It was Poseidon’s wife birthday and he wanted to give her a very beautiful gift. so he started thinking what he could  buy to her. He thought of a necklace, a bracelet or earrings but he couldn’t decide .he didn't find the right gift to give her.

Poseidon said: “But I do not think that jewelry will be the perfect gift. It has to be special because she is special . What can I do? I don’t want her to be sad because I love her too much and as I said before, it has to be special”.

2nd Part

Poseidon: “Oh, my dear, your birthday is tomorrow and I don´t know what to give you. please, tell me what you want for your birthday”.
Athena: “Give me what you want, anything from you is ok”.
Poseidon: “give me an idea, something you like for example”.
Athena: “Everything you create or give me  will be enough for me”.

He thought all day and all night and he continued without knowing what to give her, but he decided it would have to be something special. so he decided to create something. He thought about something related to his son, Perseus, but he remembered that she told him not to involve him.
3rd Part

One day, Poseidon was walking on the streets of Athena and saw a fallen bucket leaking water. In that moment, he had a great idea. He would create something like that, but bigger, natural and with more water. He knew the right place to create it, so he went there immediately.
When he arrived at the mountain he saw a big place without trees an decided it was the right place to create it. He cut that part of the mountain so it became a cliff and created a river on top of it. The water started falling and made a lake. He watched it for some minutes and thought: “She will love it! But, how shall I name it? Ah, I know! This will be a “waterfall””.

4th Part

After he invented the first waterfall he went back home happily and ready to give his wife his present.”This waterfall Is very funny!  can you create another one? i love it! “ his friend ? said

“Well I am going to  try.

next month if I can do it, we will finish creating more. Only then, you can come”.

“Oh yes will be great! I will come with my family and we will distract and enjoy this beatiful waterfall.”

“Ok don't forget to come.”

“Next month we will finish with the watrefall so come.”

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

La importancia del H2O para los seres vivos.

En Ciencias Naturales buscamos información sobre el agua y su importancia para los seres vivos. Después, realizamos un mapa conceptual explicando esa información sobre porque el agua es tan importante para nosotros. Acá esta mi mapa conceptual:

Luego de realizar el mapa conceptual,utilizamos la misma información para hacer un mapa visual (muchas imágenes y poco texto). Este es el mío:

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