martes, 26 de agosto de 2014


In drama I created my own character. It is called “Alex”. I wrote a monologue to give him voice. This is me playing the role.

When I was a human I used to feel very bad, I felt that I was useless and that nobody wanted me, and that was horrible, I really suffered when I was a boy, and all because of that. It made me suffer because I believed nobody wanted and that I had no friends and it me made me feel I was alone, and that, actually, is horrible. Even more, my partners from my football club bothered me and I couldn´t stop going there.
But since I touched the metal cube in the laboratory when I was escaping from my partners, that were bothering me, it was all different, it´s all different now, I´m still very introvert and I’m not more self confident than I was before, but my partners stopped bothering me and I feel that I have more friends nowadays. I have to keep going to that club, my father wants me to do it, to go there, he wants me to be a great scorer and a great football player as him, maybe it´s because of that that I’m a goal-scoring machine, a perfect robot. About my “friends”, I won´t take revenge, no, maybe they deserve it, but I’m not that kind of person, if I’m still a person, but I won’t do it, I feel pity for them. I will only show them that I´m better than them.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014


Realizamos una excursión al MACBA (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires), luego de esa salida, entramos a la página y buscamos alguna obra que nos gustara. Cuando encontramos esa obra, buscamos tres obras más de ese autor. Nuestro artista fue Juan Nicolás Melé, quien estudió en la Escuela de Bellas Artes "Manuel Belgrano". Él nació en Buenos Aires, Argentina en 1923 y murió ahí en 2012.
Luego de buscar un autor y otras tres obras suyas, realizamos un moviemaker recitando un poema creado a partir de sus obras y mostramos esas obras en el video.

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014


El señorío se encuentra en Escocia.

En el Castillo de Glamis.

Donde era el señorío de Angus.

El escudo

El señorío posee este escudo que básicamente representa la valentía y el honor (gules (rojo)), y la esperanza y la fe (sinople (verde)). Eso es porque sus principales colores son los que llevan esas características.
La corona simboliza el poder del rey, en la Edad Media, la corona en un escudo significaba dominación y señorío
Las espadas el ejército del señor feudal y en la Edad Media significaban la justicia y soberanía de su linaje
La cruz celta la representa a la religión (cristianismo), es celta porque el señorío se encuentra en Escocia, donde ese pueblo habitaba y su cultura predominaba. Esa cruz es una mezcla entre la cruz cristiana y un antiguo símbolo celta, proveniente de una leyenda. La Historia de la Cruz Celta se remonta a mas de 2000 años antes de Cristo, cuando a Bran "El Bendito" se le representaba como el Sol. Un círculo en medio del cual se dibujaba una equis. Este dios pagano que sacrifico su vida para salvar a la Celtia, fue quien empezo a dar forma a la cruz celta.
El león es por la valentía de los soldados y los señores feudales y el bastón del león representa el mando militar de los éstos. En la Edad Media, si el león era rojo, significaba que el caballero que llevaba el escudo tenía un espíritu generosamente guerrero. Si el león tenía un bastón, significaba el mando militar de este. Ese animal era símbolo de vigilancia, autoridad, dominio, monarquía, magnanimidad, majestad y bravura
Los colores representan:  
Gules: color rojo. Las características heráldicas que le corresponden son: fortaleza, alteza, ardid, valor, honor, osadía y victoria, con la obligación al servicio y protección de las Armas ante su Soberano y Patria, o Principe y a socorrer a los que se ven oprimidos por la justicia.
Oro: simboliza la nobleza, el esplendor, la prosperidad, sabiduría, magnanimidad, constancia, riqueza, poder y luz. Debían ser los primeros en defender y portar las virtudes caballerescas, amparar a los necesitados y defender al Soberano, peleando por ellos hasta derramar su última gota de sangre.

Plata: Las familias a las que se les concedía el privilegio de llevar este metal en sus escudos se distinguían por su integridad, su obediencia, firmeza, vigilancia, elocuencia, vencimiento y gratitud. En los restantes nobles, es plata.
Azur: color azul. Simboliza a Venus, el aire, y las cualidades de justicia, obediencia, lealtad, piedad y prudencia, con la obligación al servicio y protección de la Agricultura ante su Soberano y Patria.
Sinople: color verde. Simboliza la esperanza, la fe, amistad, servicio y respeto. Es símbolo de grandeza, elevación, asilo y salvaguardia, con la obligación al servicio y protección del Comercio ante su Soberano y Patria.

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Diary Entry

We wrote 2 diary entries as if we were Dr. Jekyll. The first one was before using the potion for the first time and the second one was after using it.

4th July, 1889
Dear diary:
I have just finished my potion, now I can see my evil personality!  I am so happy! I am very excited now, I cannot wait to drink it and to live as my evil part. It will be great! I do not know what I can do, and neither what I will do, but they will not be good things, it is an evil personality, not a good one. Definitely I will do bad things, and someone can catch me, but if I go out at night I will have the whole city for my own, and that will be fascinating (and also interesting). I have to avoid looking like both of my personalities, because they seem to have something in common and, also, I have to invent a name so they don’t recognize me, but, how can it be?… it will be as if I am hiding from the world, from the city, from society, so it can be related to that, so, it could be Mr. …Hyde. In this moment I am in my home waiting for my servant to go to sleep so I can drink the potion and se the effects.
Good-bye, Henry

6th July, 1889
Dear diary:
I had my first experience with the potion, two days ago. It was amazing! The potion worked perfectly! The effects were as I thought, my body was smaller than my original one and I was uglier, and more disgusting. I could do whatever I wanted and nobody recognized my, because, they could recognize me, maybe if someone saw me getting out of my house and thought it was me (Dr. Jekyll), equally, when I was coming home I entered through the back door, and I realized that I could use that one (nobody knows that the door is mine) I am also very happy because I can remember it all. When I started creating the potion, I was scared due to the fact that probably I could not remember what I would do as Mr. Hyde because, basically, we are two different people, but I could! I am writing to you from my lab, I just wanted to tell you how my experiences were and that I am going to repeat it tonight.

Good-bye, Henry