- With Vicky Gregov we worked in class about the story "The Day the Mountain Blew Apart", inspired on Mount St. Helen, which erupted on Mat 18th, 1980.
- This story is an Historical Narrative. An historical narrative is a story of a historical event. The people and the places are true, but it is written as a story. An example of historical narratives might be biographies.
- Introduction
- Jerry Wheeler and David Johnston were in the mountain when it erupted.
- Jerry survived and David died at the moment.
- Magma had been rising inside the mountain, making a lot of pressure until it erupted.
- It had the force of forty tons of dynamite.
- All the place was destroyed and devastated.
- 57 people died.
- Everything was covered with ashes, smoke and fire.
- The forest, plants and animals disappeared and died.
- "Ghost Town": everyone stayed inside their houses| and didn't go out because they couldn't breathe.
- Gophers helped because they brought the rich soil up to the surface, which helped new plants to grow.
- Elk bones also helped new plants to grow because of the nutrients they had.
- It will take more than a hundred years to have everything before it was before the eruption.
Coming back to life
Mount St Helen before the eruption. |
Mount St. Helen's crater. |
Mount St. Helen, before and after the eruption.
5. I think this story doesn't look like a story, but it is a very good story and I really liked it and I learnt a lot about volcanoes.
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