miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Queen's lost jewels found

  • Write an article for the following headline (1 paragraph): "Queen's lost jewels found"

Queen's lost jewels found

The Queen's jewels, an esmerald bracelet

The gems, that were stolen last week, appeared in a dust bin inside the Royal Palace. They were found by one of the women from the cleaning service, Kelly Impia. The jewels were stolen last Wednesday night, and the security staff thought that someone broke into the Buckingham Palace, but there was nothing in the security tapes. After that, they thought it might be someone from inside, and decided to interrogate everyone. However, the Queen said she would be in charge of the search, and made a meeting with all the people living in the Palace. After that meeting, she discovered that her grandchildren had them, and were just making a joke to their granny, a very expensive one.  

The Buckingham Palace

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Do young people help the environment?

Write your opinion on the following: “Unfortunately, young people are not interested in helping the environment.”
  1. Follow the plan in Close Up, page 105.
  2. Use the Useful Expressions and underline them. Use colours.
  • Agreeing: 2 (two)
  • Disagreeing: 2 (two)
  • Comparing and contrasting: 3 (three)
  • Becoming more specific: 3 (three)

A drawing, representing the world's pollution problems.
Nowadays, young people are not interested in helping the environment. It cannot support the view that adolescents have towards taking care of our planet.

I fully agree with the statement that young people don't help the environment. In comparison to the past, people are lazier nowadays and, in fact, I believe that is the reason why they do not do anything for the environment.

A young woman throwing garbage out of her window.

I strongly disagree with the people who pollute the environment and could prevent it. Contrary to the past, currently we indeed contaminate more and, specifically, that is why I believe young people should be aware of helping the environment.

What people should do, and what people do.

To sum up, I fully support the idea that young people do not care about the environment, since, in contrast to people in other ages, they do not realize that they are damaging the environment, whe they shoul help it. 

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Nuestra responsabilidad

En clase trabajamos con VIH/SIDA y vimos un póster sobre la prevención de esa enfermedad. Después, respondimos unas consignas sobre lo visto.

El título del afiche, “Está en nuestras manos”, significa que es nuestra decisión y nuestra responsabilidad prevenir y cuidarnos de la infección del VIH/SIDA mientras tenemos relaciones.
En el afiche se puede ver un preservativo (el principal método de protección contra el SIDA) formado por distintas imágenes, como una mujer embarazada y una mano, por ejemplo. Éstas imágenes representan muchas cosas, como la salud, el amor, los hijos, las personas, los sexos/géneros, las relaciones sexuales, el mundo (el sida es una epidemia que afecta a gente de todo el mundo), el cuidado/ la protección y que el cuidarnos y prevenir está en nuestras manos.